Hurtin’ for a Squerkin
Hurtin’ for a Squerkin

Hurtin’ for a Squerkin

PAX:Yankee, Colonel Mustard, Gabrielle, Saban, Brown Bag, Mensa (from Tampa), Seaman, Nip Tuck, Tube Steak, Medulla, King Kong, Peaches, Bartman, Cowbell, 86, Cavalier, Roots, Chiquita, Chowda, Revit

I woke up this morning much like I do most Fridays… hurtin‘ for a squerkin. And in the late September gloom, it was clear to see that an eager group of pax shared my hunger. But we had to get warmed up first as you never go into a squerkin cold!

So after a light mosey to Touch Down Jesus, we circled up for:

  • Side Straddle Hops x 25
  • Mountain Climbers x 25
  • Arm Circles Forward x 15
  • 51 x drawkcaB selcriC mrA

Now, closer to an appropriate level of warmth, we mosied to the base of the mountain and climbed the stairs up to floor 6. After tending to those experiencing PTSD from Yankee’s stair workout 2 weeks ago, we were ready to get to squerkin.

  • In pairs, the pax got into reverse squerkin position at the base of the ramp
    • Reverse Squerkin Position: one pax in plank position with head in direction of the ramp with the second pax grabbing his partner’s ankles in a standing position with his back towards the ramp
  • Each pair proceeded to climb the ramp, stopping at every other parking block curb thing
    • At alternating stops, pax 1 did 3 merkins and pax 2 did 3 squats
    • Halfway up the ramp, we flapjacked

Done and hurtin’ from our squerkin, we mosied to a halfway point between the two top deck stairwells.

  • In pairs again, pax 1 ran to the stairwell, down 2 flights, across floor 5, and up the opposite stairwell to his partner
  • Alternating runners, the pax up top completed (in AMRAP fashion)
    • Wall Sits
    • World War II Sit Ups
    • Lunges
    • Burpees

A slow mosey down 1 flight of stairs to the bottom of the ramp again put us in starting position for Dizzy Bear!

  • We started in regular Bear Crawl position heading up the ramp
  • Upon yelling, “Dizzy Bear” all pax performed a 180 maneuver into a Reverse Bear Crawl up the ramp
    • Those enjoying themselves gleefully echoed, “Dizzy!”

Back on the peak of Wolfpack Mountain, the pax hit their six in an oval for some Mary

  • American Hammer x 25
  • Flutter Kicks x 25
  • Leg Raises x 20
  • Real Freddie Mercury x 20

We mosied our way back to the flag to tie a bow on the whole thing with a quick Circle Merk

  • Merkins x 15

Count off, name-o-rama, ball of mansweat. Done and hurtin’.