Lets go Running
Lets go Running

Lets go Running


Typical summer morning welcomed 5 PAX at City Park for a morning run.  YHC, always in search of a bit more mileage, decides to lead a regular out-and-back on the Bayou road.  Be back at 6:10 for some Mary.  Disclaimer, and lets get started.

WAIT FOR ME!  Who is that running to catch up?  Welcome Abacus!  Never too late.  So 6 PAX took off in the morning gloom.

Not surprisingly, El Guapo and Recall set the pace.  Recall announces that he’s bypassing the piddly Marathon distance, and skipping straight to an Ultra next spring.  Go get ’em Recall!  I suspect El Guapo may take the bait and sign up for something crazy like that too.  Meanwhile, Amnesia working up to the Ragnarok around ATL with the Northshore PAX (on top of plans to ride 100 miles this weekend on a blue bike.  Yikes…)

#Tclaps to Abacus: longest run of his career!  Nice work, way to push it, brother.  Push all of us by pushing yourself to go farther, and faster.

Finished up at the Shovel Flags for Mary: 30x each for LBC, Flutter, LBT, Dolly.

Circle up for count-off, name-o-rama, announcements.  Intentions and Prayers to finish up and get our day started right.