Seven Pax posted at the Covington trailhead & Gipper statue location early Wednesday. Little hot and humid.
…here is how it went
short disclaimer …
all 20xIC; side straddle hops, toe touches, smurf jacks, good-mornings, butt-kicks, windmills, imperial walkers, arm circles, hillbillies, mummy kicks
mosey to the back of the Taj-Mahal, grab a parking post for sets of what the lexicon calls “Pure Burn” – squat about half way, on tip toes, pulse 10 times, then squat all the way down on tip toes pulse 10 times, repeat that sequence four times
mosey to the front of the Taj-Mahal
wall of fire: PAX pair off, one holds wall chair while partner does 10 merkins, 10 LBCs, 10 burpees; repeat this sequence 2 times
circle up at the flag pole for merkin wave & crawl
all pax in plank do one merkin, one pax, at a time, bear crawls in toward the flagpole, crab crawls back to start position, next pax does same, all around and then repeat
mosey to the St.Tammany Parish Courthouse parking garage
do step-ups on the small wall; 20xIC left leg, 20xIC right leg
then lunge walk backwards half way of ramp into garage, sprint the rest of the way, repeat up to the top level
once at the top level, break up into two groups. One group does merkins , while the other group runs backwards down the ramp and backwards up the ramp, switch and repeat
Indian run back to the Gipper statue
10 seconds of Mary
1 second wave to Molly and Louie
time expires
count-o-rama, Maverick lead us out with a prayer
It’s always fun, and thanks guys for letting me lead today
Fall “cool fronts” right around the corner.