Who me?
Who me?

Who me?

PAX:Chewy, Coconuts, Garfield, Shooter, Waterpik

Well this is a first… I show up this morning, greeting my fellow gloom-patrolers, only to discover, as we circled up and looked around at each other, that it was indeed I who was Q! Struggling to fully awaken, we warm-o-ramaed:

15xs each IC

Toe Touches

Imperial Walkers

Air Presses

Butt Kicks

Scorpion Kicks

Being caught of guard with my forgotten Q-dom, YHC was eternally greatful to Waterpik who had the quick-thinkingly brilliant idea that we should run 3.1 miles! And so we did, with a rough breakdown of 2 groups of 3 (although 1 of those groups may have been slightly staggered on the last mile).

To cool things off, we ran a Bushwacker special for Mary:

15xs IC


Hello Dolly

Flutter Kicks

Freddy Mercury

J Lo





Chill Plank

Mission Impossible Plank

Prayed out by the Pik

Thanks guys for following the lead that I so humbly brought to the Scramble today!