9/11 Preview
9/11 Preview

9/11 Preview

PAX:Coconuts, Shooter, Waterpik

Do you remember right after September 11th, 2001 when we all came together to support each other? We still do here in F3 with faith, fellowship, and fitness. It’s pride in all three and strength in shared values that bringsĀ  us together at each and every AO. It’s not the evils of this world that makes the goodness bright, but the hearts of our fellow man, truly filled with love and compassion that lights our way through the darkness. Never forget to love and show appreciation for those around you and the gifts we all share.


Toe Touches

Imperial Walkers

Abe vigodas


Fire Drill – PAX in a circle doing hi knees. Each takes a turn to call out “fire,” at which point we all drop, roll right, merkin, roll left, merkin, and back up

Global Warming – All in Al Gore shuffle to the left until Q calls Mountain Climbers x10, reverse Al Gore shuffle until Plank Jacks x10, reverse shuffle again, then groiners, reverse, monkey humpers

One-Leg Burpees – x10 right, x10 left

Fireman Carry (or piggy back) – Come here big boy, let’s get reacquainted! P1 carry P2 across the basketball court, switch and back then x10 SSH (maybe), back n forth, Merkins, etc, seal jacks

4 Corners Escalator (plus a bonus back where we started) – goof balls/merkins, x10,x20,x30, x40,x50


Crunchy Frogs


Hello Dolly

Flutter Kicks

Freddy Mercuries

J Los

30 second Plank

Coconuts prayed, the choir sang, and we all lived happily ever after!

Thanks gents