Put Me In Coach
Put Me In Coach

Put Me In Coach

PAX:Recall, Walleye, Patches, OFJ, Abacus, Fracsac, Mahatma, War Eagle, Heisenberg,

“The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.”  -Vince Lombardi 

Another notch was added to The Foundry belt when 10 of F3’s finest gathered in City Park for the weekly hump day workout.  Lots of themed workouts lately with Elvis, Notre Dame, Iron Pax, etc so YHC kicked around several themed ideas with no avail until finally formulating a plan 5 minutes prior to kickoff.  Nothing extravagant in store, just a mix of usual stuff and few things with a twist, all of which would hopefully break a sweat along with building some endurance and muscle.  Being that football season is upon us, why not steal a few drills from the world of pigskin….who knows, one of us may get called up to the big leagues.  After the PAX of 10 assembled and the usual disclaimer, the clock started for 4 quarters of sweaty goodness.

1st Quarter:

Mosey down Roosevelt Mall with some high knees, butt kicks, and backpedaling thrown in for good measure.  Huddle up in the grass for IWx20, PPx20, ACx20, WMx10, Seal Jacksx10, capped off with approx 20 Up-Downs.  Then, a mosey to The Refinery.

2nd Quarter:

5 Stations including Body Rows, Hanging Knee Ups, Squats, Pull Ups, with timer being Step Ups x12L + x12R.  Rinse and repeat.  YHC’s forearms were screaming from lots of bar gripping so thinking we should have substituted the rows for dips or merkins.

Then to the sideline (large landscape timber) for Derkins x20 OYO, Lunge Walk to tree and back, followed by Derkins x20.


Mosey to water fountain for hydration and 1-2 min plankorama.

3rd Quarter:

Mosey over to Christian Brother’s Falcon Field for some turf time.  First up would be a partner routine with PAX #1 performing AMRAP Burpee Jump Overs in rapid fashion on the goal line while PAX #2 runs across the field to the opposite endzone for 10 Merkins then runs back.  Flip flop, rinse and repeat.  Lots of grunts and heavy breathing.

4th Quarter:

The last circuit was originally designed to be somewhat of an experiment to test our athleticism but YHC botched it up a bit due to a cardio buzz.  Plan called for a series of relay team sprints (40yds) to see if we could put any correlation to age, F3 tenure, etc….and get the competitive juices flowing.

Sprint #1:  Line up by age with young bucks on one team and old dudes on the other.  First person from each team sprints 40yds and touches goal line, which then prompts next person to run, and so on.  This resulted in a photo finish so we concluded it was a tie.  Looking back, YHC could have laid this out in a different way but we rolled with it.

Sprint #2:  Line up by amount of time participating in F3 which had it split with guys around 1 year or less on one side and the vets on the other.  Same 40 yd sprint with the newbies coming out on top.  T-claps to Mahatma for pushing hard, maybe too hard.

Sprint# 3:  Line up again but due to time ticking and YHC having a brainfart, we settled for a group sprint then proceeded to mosey across the grass, alongside the track and back to the flag:

Two Minute Warning:

Plankorama and Hip Flexors to seal the deal.


COT and sweaty BOM to cap things off.

Not much mumble chatter or buffoonery to report.  It was a rather quiet 45 minutes…YHC can only hope that was due to a good beatdown being delivered and not a just a poor job of keeping the PAX entertained.

Thanks for the motivation, camaraderie, and chance to lead.

