After much Mumblechatter as to what we would do at the Birdcage and who would Q it. It was decided that we would do the Iron Pax Challenge and YHC would Q it. What more could a Q ask for, than to have the entire beatdown laid out already for him. I arrived early and met up with King Kong and we layed out the cones in Oak Alley 10 yards apart and moseyed back to meet the PAX at the flag. A huge PAX of 30 had gathered and was ready to work. Roots had volunteered to lead a more regular Birdcage routine should anyone opt out of taking the Iron Pax Challenge. With that announcemnet and Disclaimer given we took off for a quick Mosey to the Fountain at the end of Oak Alley, the new home and hiding spot for the Uptown’s cinder block stash. 3 Pax opted to join Roots and they moseyed off to do their Thang.
Each PAX collected their Cinder Block and circled up for a quick demo of the 4 exercise included in the challenge, and a quick explanation of how we would do the challenge by YHC.
The Challenge:
30 Minutes straight, No Rest, AMRAP
15 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Handrelease Merkins, 20 yds Broad jump(10 yards, out and back)
14 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Goblet Squats, 20 yds Broad jump(10 yards, out and back)
13 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Leg raises, holding block in Press postion, 20 yds Broad jump(10 yards, out and back)
12 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Handrelease Merkins, 20 yds Broad jump(10 yards, out and back)
11 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Goblet Squats, 20 yds Broad jump(10 yards, out and back)
10 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Leg raises, holding block in Press postion, 20 yds Broad jump(10 yards, out and back)
9 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Handrelease Merkins, 20 yds Broad jump(10 yards, out and back)
8 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Goblet Squats, 20 yds Broad jump(10 yards, out and back)
7 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Leg raises, holding block in Press postion, 20 yds Broad jump(10 yards, out and back)
…. you get the idea…
Count up total reps of all exercises for total to be submitted.
By the time we were done, recovered, put back the blocks and moseyed back we had reached 6:15 and called the workout. Roots and his crew moseyed up soon after.
COT, Count0ff, Nameorama 1 FNG – From Philladelphia, worked on submarines – Cheese Steak + Submarines = Tube Steak …Welcome!!
IronHorse asked if we could add something to the COT that they do in Florida. He brought his Flag from Florida and planted it next to ours, and as they do in his home PAX, we Pledged the Flag. A great gesture that I loved and hope we incorporate into our COT’s. Thanks for sharing that Ironhorse!!
Prayers for Rudy’s Sister, Rev-Sox’s Dad and other intentions. Thanks again for the opportunity to lead! It was another great beatdown with great turn out, by great men.
Average Rep count for the 21 PAX that reported rep counts was 419! With 8801 reps total!! NICE WORK BOYS!!
Ironhorse, FL | 621 |
Jingle Vader | 526 |
Seaman | 492 |
Gabrielle | 468 |
Hawgcycle | 464 |
El Wire | 457 |
Peppa | 443 |
King Kong | 413 |
Quarterpipe | 409 |
Rev Sox | 404 |
Peptoe | 384 |
Saban | 384 |
Sinner Bloq | 384 |
ILoveYouMan | 382 |
Candyland | 380 |
Coast Rat | 375 |
Angies List | 375 |
Medulla Oblongata | 375 |
Bartman | 375 |
Tubesteak | 365 |
Reluctant Yankee | 325 |
G-Spot | ? |
Col. Mustard | ? |
Pony Boy | ? |