Cooling Off In The Rain
Cooling Off In The Rain

Cooling Off In The Rain

PAX:Hawgcycle, Tool, Hocus Pocus, Da Parish, FNG (Dr Goose), el Guapo

Mid day on Monday I saw the gap in Qs for the  week,  I signed up for the day I was available.  Later that day I checked the weather forecast and considered pulling my name hoping no one saw my commitment…..  But no that would be to easy,  and I am due for Q rain or shine,  besides this time of year,  a little rain and a early run is nothing but a blessing.  And rain it did,  but could have been much worst.

Very simple as Tuesday morning always are in planning:

15 minutes out to the bayou and 15 back.

then to the track for speed workout sprint straights,  run curves.

10 mercans

2 minutes of plank hold

then some stretching

COT, Name a Rama, announcements, intention, prayer.

Welcome new FNG Dr Goose!

Thanks for opportunity to lead!