Making a Backblast from Scratch
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Making a Backblast from Scratch

QIC:Da Parish
PAX:Da Parish (YHC), Walleye, Cowbell, Mahatma Ice, Tool, Triple Shift, Out For Justice, Mambi, Pai Gow, Amnesty

YHC typically creates his Beatdowns on paper prior to the Q that way when he returns to his CPU, all he needs to do is add an opening statement and sign off.   This post however has been created entirely from scratch as YHC created today’s beatdown on the fly.   I miss my Wienke.

W/U – rather than the traditional COP warm up, start at the first bench and do 1 Irken and 2 Squats, at the next bench do 2 Irkens and 4 squats and continue to the end of Roosevelt mall using that Jack Webb style of Irkens & Squats.

The Thang

  • Mosey to the side of NOMA for wall-sits.  Go down the line and state your Hometown, College Alma Mater (Geaux Colonels!), and favorite Professional Sports Team.  We had a couple of Yankees with us today from Minnesota and Washington DC.  One PAX said his favorite Pro Team was Ole Miss Baseball.  I’ve placed a call to the NCAA to impose sanctions….again. It was good to hear that for the post part, F3 NOLA loves the Saints.
  • Mosey to The Foundry – Partner Up
    • 10 Under The Fence/Dive Bomber Merkins (the count)
    • Reverse Lung to Squats
    • 10 Rocky Balboa’s to Burpee
    • Pull Ups or Negative Pull Ups
    • Hanging Toe-to-Bar
  • Rinse & Repeat
  • Circle up for High Knees to Burpees on the Q Count
  • Circle up for Birth Control Merkins
    • Do 10 Mountain Climbers and then go in to Merkins.  Today we learned the ages of all of Triple Shift’s Kids by doing Merkins for each child’s age.
  • Mosey to the Track, Spring 1/4 of the Track and Mosey to the flag


  • LBCs x 25
  • AH x 20
  • WJ x 15
  • CF x 10
  • Plank Up, Right, Left

COT – Count off, Nameorama, Announcements (Babycakes Game, Barathon, Murph Challenge on Memorial Day w/ Mahatma Ice), Intentions

Thank you for the opportunity to lead,

Da Parish

Moleskin – Happy Birthday Fracsac.