Superfecta at The Uptowner
Superfecta at The Uptowner

Superfecta at The Uptowner

PAX:Jingle Vader, Tool, Triple Shift, Fracsac (QIC)

YHC committed to Q four days in a row this week, and the fourth day, or the Superfecta as we’ll call it, had me up earlier than usual. 45 minutes before the alarm sounded kind of earlier. One would think that would indicate an early arrival at the AO, but nay! Pulling into the dead end parking lot at Pontiff Playground with three minutes to spare, following JV’s ride is what happened. Maybe it was too much time thinking about what the weather was going to do. 70 degree weather yesterday, but promises of weather in the 40’s today with the passing of the front had YHC a bit confused. YHC planted the shovel flag, and Tool walked up. YHC had some cones to set out, but the grounds were wet enough to be confused with a lake. Tool suggested the tennis courts, which was an outstanding idea! Setting the cones up for a circuit station beatdown, YHC noticed the wind moving the cones all over the court. Time to improvise. Return to the flag, give the disclaimer as the train passes….and then


SSH IC x 31
Imperial Squat Walkers IC x 15

Grab a rock, one that can be used for OH press and Curls, and slow mosey to the tennis courts. YHC had planned on doing Uptowner Stink BOMBS, but it would require cones. With the wind not cooperating, YHC opted for circuits:

Circuit One

Double Merkin Burpees x 10 OYO
OH Rock Press x 10 IC (4 count)
Merkins x 10 IC (4 count)
WW 2 Situps IC x 10 (4 count)
Rock Curls x 10 IC (4 count)
Rinse and Repeat x 5 (#Crowd Pleaser)

Circuit Two (all 4 count)

Rock Rows x 10 IC
Rock Bench Presses x 10 IC
Rock Squats x 10 IC
Rinse and Repeat x 3

Partner up for abs

Leg throws x 15, flap jack
Regular situps with parter holding feet. Do as many as possible in one minute, flap jack

Mary with a rock (all 4 count)

Flutter Kicks x 15 IC
Hello Dolly x 15 IC
Tin Snips x 15 IC
LBC’s (no rock) x 15 IC
Freddy Mercury (no rock) x 15 IC

Times up, DownPainment made!


Count off, name-o-rama, announcements, intentions, closing prayer


Thanks for posting with me today. With 4 back to back Q’s this week, YHC hopes this will challenge others to step up and Q where you can. If you don’t feel ready, ask someone that has Q’d to help, and share the Q. I had butterflies the night before my first Q, afraid it would be a disaster! Trust me, it never is, even though some of mine have had moments! Please refrain from taking this this opportunity to point out those moments…..

T-Claps to Tool for bringing in Smooth and Abacus into the F3 fold. You’re nowhere near Triple Shift, but it still deserves recognition! Always be EH’ing!

Crazy Ivan coming up next weekend. Looking at the weather forecast, it looks like the weather will be great! Good thing it wasn’t this weekend!

Don’t forget tomorrow is Mahatma’s VQ at the Mothership! I have no doubt it’s going to be epic. Following the beat down, we get to witness him take a pie in the face from Rudy! This you can’t miss! Bring some cash for coffeteria…….