Return at the Gipper
Return at the Gipper

Return at the Gipper

PAX:Astro, Einstein, Grundy, Maverick, Moby, Shooter (QIC), Tanked up, Turbo

Returning to the Gipper on this Gloom without the beanies and mittens also produced the return of Grundy and Moby from IR. Welcome back F3 brothers. While the PAX on the the Northshore have many AOs to choose, if your QIC had a choice of only (1) F3 beatdown  by far the Gipper would be the selection.., As hard as the QIC try’s to tax these men when he leads, it never fails that his mission seems incomplete as the men always impress and crave more of what they came for..




10 IC Arm circles (forward/reverse), Overhead claps

The thang

Moseyed  to the Taj Mahal for our first bit of action. Circled the flag pole with the PAX holding blank while each man journeyed up the steps dropped for 2 Burpees and returned. Covered regular plank as well as left and right plank until complete. Next each PAX bear crawled to the flag pole and after the ringing of the qong was sounded each PAX would complete 2 Merkins. The QIC doubled the Merkins halfway through.. Wrapped up and then moseyed to the garage top. Partnered up for the first round of suicides half and full distance while the other did LBCs. Next was Caricoas half left and half right and the same back while the other man did Bicycles, and finally we did back pedal half and turn and sprint while the others did flutter kicks..  Mixed in a few 10 counts as the QIC noticed he may have winded a few men, which on this day is a proud moment for anyone Qing this group… Next on to Tabata (American style) as one stated standard Tabata as 20 sec of work and 10 sec rest. The Q implemented 30 sec work and 10 sec rest for 2 rounds. Round 1 Merikins/Plankjacks and Round 2 Squats/Imperial walkers.. If one ever thinks 30 sec of Work can’t get you pumped or have the sweat flowing, I challenge you to a series of Tabata and promise there will be no disappointment.. With 3 mins to spare moseyed back to AO for countarama, annoucarama, COT.

Much respect for the men working through injuries and pain on this Gloom. Shows the dedication and determination, which inspires me to work harder at each beatdown.. 👊👊

Special thanks to Grundy for praying us out..