While wet and cold, the Scramble still produced 4 “Above average men” to start the Gloom.. YHC arrived to the sights of the Pelican as he planted the flag at the AO, and as I turned around one noticed the knewly crowned feature movie star F3 champion Captain Sparkles walking from the shadows. We began the journey down the routine path for 3.2 miles with the rain coming down in spurts with some good mumble chatter. Upon returning we noticed a vehicle traveling through the parking lot. Welcome Backdraft, better late than never. We had 15 mins remaining so we Moseyed to the monkey bars for some descending pull-ups 10,8,6,4,2 with core in between sets IC PJ 20, IC MC 20, IC PP 20, IC Parker P 20 and finished with IC PJ 20. Moseyed back to the flag and performed IC IW 20 and closed the Gloom with IC Merkins 20.
Count off, announcements and COT
Appreciate Captain taking us out in prayer!!
Always a pleasure leading above average on an above average Gloom👊👍!!