2 perspectives are always better than 1!!
2 perspectives are always better than 1!!

2 perspectives are always better than 1!!

PAX:Bushwacker, Pelican, Shooter

The Milestone Marsh proved to provide the QIC with a new perspective on the seasonal decorating options that one should consider. After spending most of the day before decorating, I was definitely open to suggestions. Bushwacker informed the PAX that a strand on the left and the right of the facia can be left alone all year and becomes less noticeable by March. Simply find the cord and just plug in. The Pelican has adapted to modern technology with the laser dots that illuminate the entire house and the cyber Monday giant blowup Santa (7 foot I believe) his M purchased. Genius inventions to say the least, but even more genius is the man that utilizes the proper tools for the job…  Enough about decorating, let’s get down to what we showed up for at 0500..



20 WM IC

30 BK IC

30 MK IC

20 GM IC

20 IW IC

the thang

Began with descending Merkins and elbow plank. One man did 40 Merkins and then bear crawled as the remaining men held plank and once the first reached halfway across the court the other man began his series. Completed  in 40,30,20,10. Once complete we Moseyed a loop around 6 blocks and back to the Marsh. Began a series of suicides (hitting free throw, half, other free throw, baseline)  forward and back pedaling adding in a different excersise each time. First suicides, second add in SSH 10, third IW 10, fourth HB 10, fifth slow squats 10. Journeyed another loop around the 6 blocks and returned with Carioca each side and finished with an ascending Burpee suicides count 5,8,10,12 and 15.

Appreciate Bushwacker and the Pelican for posting and allowing me to lead!!

countarama, annoucarama, COT

Thanks to Bushwacker for praying us out!!