“Sweet Fancy Moses!” ~George Costanza
“Sweet Fancy Moses!” ~George Costanza

“Sweet Fancy Moses!” ~George Costanza

PAX:Astro, Einstein, Maverick, Moby-Dick, Shooter, Steve, Tanked-Up, The Manny, Turbo-Tax

George: Have you ever seen Elaine dance?
Jerry: Elaine danced?
George: It was more like a full bodied dry heave set to music.
Jerry: Did she do the little kicks and the thumbs?
George: What, you mean you know about this?
Jerry: For some time. It was about five years ago. I never knew what to say to her
about it. It was one of those problems I hoped would just go away.
George: Well, sometimes you can’t help these people ’til they hit rock bottom.

Hey, Elaine’s dancing is distinctly inferior when compared to a bunch of PAX doing the Frankie-C.

here is how it went on this beautiful, crisp, November morning:

short disclaimer


side straddle hops, imperial walkers, toe touches, good mornings, arm circles, lunges, butt-kicks, squats, seal-jacks, Frankie-Cs

mosey to the “BEDROCK QUARRY”
each PAX picks out a good sized limestone boulder, for coupon exercises
elf on the shelf-lower left to upper right then lower right to upper left, squats, rows

mosey to the back of the Taj Mahal
trying to incorporate an excersize utilizing these expensive looking parking stops/staunches/balustrades
YHC tried some isometric arm work using these whatever they are, followed by merkins

mosey to the front of the Taj Mahal
circle up by the flagpole – step back to outer ring, everyone in plank position,
1 merkins each, then everyone bear crawls one pax position counter-clockwise until the circle is complete
Next, lunge walk in across circle, backwards lunge walk out

mosey to the back of the St.Tammany Parish Courthouse Annex parking garage,
backwards lunge walk halfway up the first floor ramp
turn and sprint up rest of the way
jog/walk across the second floor ramp
backwards lunge walk halfway up third floor ramp
turn and sprint up rest of the way

on the upper deck, partner up with one pax doing froggy-planks while the other runs down the ramp and backpeddles up. repeat to 100 count on the froggy-planks.

mosey to the Courthouse East parking lot, trace out the parking spaces with lateral hops for about a city block

mosey back to the trail head. Mary-out with Jane Fondas, and Nolan Ryans

count-o-rama, prayer led by The Manny, we bid Thanksgiving adieus and head out to take on the day.

Happy Thanksgiving All!