PAX:Astro (FNG), Einstein, Maverick, Shooter, Tanked Up, and TurboTax

Great to have Maverick with us in the Gloom this morning, stateside after his Spanish adventure.  FNG Astro joined us as well making the PAX a Six PAX for our Wednesday morning beatdown at the Gipper.

Standard disclaimer and then down to business with the warmup:

Merkins 20x IC

Seal Jacks 20x IC

Windmills 20x IC

Plank Jacks 20x IC

IW 20x IC

Butt Kicks 20x IC

Mosey to the Bedrock for the first COP:

Woodchoppers con roca 20x IC

Torso Twists con roca 10x IC

Crossover RDLs con roca 10x IC

Rinse and Repeat

Mosey to the Justice Center for:

30 yards lateral plank walks with stops at each of the three little live oak trees for 5x T pushups OYO

Tabata set of Al Gores and vertical jumps then

30 yards lateral plank walks back to the starting point again with stops at each of the oak trees for 5x T pushups OYO

Mosey to the top of the Justice Center Parking Garage for:

Burpback Mountain.  PAX breaks up into three teams of two.  Each team performs 100x burpees….one team member performs burpees while the other sprints down the ramp and then backpedals back up the ramp to relieve his teammate, flapjack until the team hits 100 burpees.

Mosey back to the Gipper shovel flag with an old soccer drill:

YHC calls out “head it” and each PAX performs a vertical jump with a virtual header; YHC calls out “hit it” and each PAX accelerates for 5 strides.

Back at the shovel flag with just enough time for a set of Jane Fondas 10x IC.

Countorama, nameorama and a prayer to start our day.

Welcome FNG Astro.

Thanks for letting me lead.


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