A Rough Day
A Rough Day

A Rough Day

PAX:Bongo, Jingle Vader, Marlin, Milkman, Rudy, Tool, Walleye, Woz, Hawgcycle

A long anticipated cold front moved through the New Orleans area and YHC woke up to 69 degrees and light rain.  I had noticed it raining throughout the night and was excited about getting down and dirty at Rock City.  8 others joined me at our local flood reservoir.  I gave the disclaimer, adding the fact that we were going to get muddy, and headed to the rock pile.


SSH x 31 (IC); 8-count Body Builders x 10; IW x 25 (IC); 8-count Body Builders x 10;  Abe Vigodas x 10 (IC); 8-count Body Builders x 10; Good Mornings (IC) x 10

The Thang

Grab a rock, small enough to mosey with, but large enough to hurt.  We moseyed to the hill (I feel like it’s been a while).  We did a modified 11s exercise.

Run con roca over the hill and do 10 rock burpees on the other side, run back con roca over the hill and do 20 bench presses.  Continue, descending the rock burpee count on the far side by 1 each time.  Hold the bench press count steady at 20 on the near side each time.

Totals:  Rock Burpees = 55;  Bench Presses = 200

We ran to the top and circled up for some squats.  20 regular squats in cadence followed by 20 squat pulses.  Some mumble chatter made YHC realize standing on the tallest point in Old Metarie with lightning strikes nearby was not OSHA compliant, so we grabbed our rocks and moseyed back to the pile.

Here we completed our Squats:  Plié Squats (IC) x 20 followed by Plié Squat pulses (IC) x 20; Sissy Squats (IC) x 20

Sprint back to the flag #punctuality


  • I thought the work on the hill was a beast.  At the 8 rock burpee set I was sure I was going to have to call for a break about half way through and finish later.  However, the pax dominated this exercise.  What do you call it when all of the Pax finishes ahead of the Q?  These men are strong.
  • Sissy Squats are a crowdpleaser.
  • I am really disappointed in how clean I was after this workout.
  • If you are participating in the ISI challenge this month – that was 85 merkins.  If you are not particpating – you really should, loser.
  • Thanks to the Pax for calling out the repetitions so loudly this morning.  It really helped.  However, I did get confused a couple of times.  I think I was hearing Douille yelling them out Uptown.
  • Woz was a beast this morning.  It seemed like he ratcheted it up a couple of levels this morning. T-claps my man.
  • We woke this morning to the horrific news of the Las Vegas shooting.  One of our own, Terabyte was on vacation with his M in Vegas, staying 10 floors below the shooter at Mandalay Bay.  They were awakened by the gunfire.  He let us know that he and his wife are both safe.  Let’s continue to pray for those affected and keep growing F3 as a way to heal our country.
  • Later this afternoon we learned of the passing of Houston’s Big Wheel.  Unfortunately I never had the opportunity to meet him.  I did have the good fortune of spending 14 hours carrying the world’s heaviest telephone pole with his father, a man that was beyond impressive to me in our short time together.  I have no doubt that the world has lost a High Impact Man.  Our hearts and prayers go out to F3 Houston and those touched by Big Wheel’s life.  Godspeed brother.