BAM! Abnormal Squats!  What’s Abmornal MAB?
BBAAMM!! AAbbnnoorrmmaall SSqquuaattss!!  WWhhaattss AAbbmmoorrnnaall MMAABB??

BAM! Abnormal Squats! What’s Abmornal MAB?

QIC:Jingle Vader
PAX:Fracsac, Walleye and Jingle Vader (QIC)

A thin PAX for this glorious morning.  Holding out for Shorty’s Ultimate manana?  So after a non-disclaimer disclaimer, the PAX got some not-so-big ROX to jump into The Thang:


  • Burpees (15 OYO)
  • Abe Vagodas (15 IC)
  • Monkey Humpers (30 IC)

ABNORMAL (as in AB-normal):

  • American Hammer (30 IC)
  • Big Boy Boulders (30 IC): big boy situps with ROX extended overhead
  • N (30 IC): YHC can’t remember what these were, other than some core exercise
  • Outlaws (30 IC): on your sixes, making Os with straight legs (15 each direction)
  • Reverse Crunches (30 IC)
  • Mission Impossible (1 minute)
  • American Hammer (30 IC)
  • LBCs (30 IC)


  • Squats (30 IC)
  • Quadraphilia (30 IC): pulses in a low squat
  • Ulna extensions (30 IC): lift ROX from nape of neck to overhead
  • Alternating Lunges (30 IC)
  • Toe touches (one minute to stretch with straight legs slowly to the toes)
  • Slow Squats (30 IC)

ABMORNAL (sorry, YHC doesn’t always spel good):

  • American Hammer (20 IC)
  • Big Boy Boulders (20 IC)
  • Mission Impossible (40 seconds)
  • Overhead Press (20 IC)
  • Reverse Crunches (20 IC)
  • Nowheres (on sixes and lift legs straight for 40 seconds)
  • American Hammer (20 IC)
  • LBFCs (20 IC): flutter kicks with crunches


  • Monkey Humpers (30 IC)
  • Abe Vagodas (15 IC)
  • Burpees: 10 OYO every minute for five minutes

Tada, that was it.  Moleskin: LBFCs hurt like the Bejezus, a good new DownPainMent the PAX discovered.

Countoff, Name-O-Rama, Announcements, and COT.  Bless all the recent hurricane victims.  JV