Laboring Leads to Leadership
Laboring Leads to Leadership

Laboring Leads to Leadership

QIC:Triple Shift
PAX:Marlin, Hawgcycle, Fracsac, Bongo, Kim Chi, Jingle Vader, Shorty, Cowbell, Torque, Circus

As the Labor Day holiday was approaching and Stubhub’s VQ was not going to happen on that day, I determined to be the Q (sorry JV).  In preparation for this Labor Day beatdown, I did some research on the federal holiday to get some background but the history didn’t provide any motivation.  So I went waaaayyyy back to the first instance of work by a man.  Yep, you guessed it!  It was Adam (not sure of his last name).  Anyway, in Genesis 2:15 we have an account of the first directive that God gave to Adam after he was placed in the garden of Eden.

Genesis 2:15 – The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.


As I looked up the origin of that word ‘work’, it comes from the Hebrew word of ‘Abad’.  There are many descriptions of that word but the most used definition applied to serving.

The KJV translates Strong’s H5647 (work) in the following manner: serve (227x), do (15x), till (9x), servant (5x), work (5x), worshippers (5x), service (4x), dress (2x), labour (2x), ear (2x), miscellaneous (14x).


That’s appropriate!  As I addressed the PAX, I shared what I learned and that we were designed (created) to work.  With that encouragement, I gave the disclaimer and off we went to the rock pile.



10 – Burpees – 10 SSH IC

9 – 8 count BB – 10 Imperial Squat Walkers IC

8 – Burpees – 10 Smurf Jacks IC

7 – 8 count BB – 10 Cheerleaders IC

6 – Burpees – 10 Curtsy Lunges IC

5 – 8 count BB – 10 Copperhead Squats IC

4 – Burpees – 10 Side Lunges IC

3 – 8 count BB – 10 Bobby Hurleys IC

2 – Burpees – 10 Reverse Lunges IC

1 – 8 count BB – 10 Squat Jacks IC



After much mumble chatter about not doing a 10 Burpee or 10 – 8 count BB at the end, QIC led the PAX to the track for a Bataan Death March.  We completed 2 1/2 laps after everyone took their turn doing their burpees.



Looking at my watch and seeing that we didn’t have much time left, we did a quick mosey back to the warm up area and informed the PAX to grab a rock.  After some shouts of enthusiasm of finally getting a rock, we proceeded to do a FLORA 1-2-2.

  1. Pax 1 – 10 Derkins with feet on their rock while Pax 2 planks with feet on their rock.  Flapjack until 100 Derkins are completed.
  2. Pax 1 – 20 LBCs while holding their rock over their chest while Pax 2 performs ‘6 inches’ while holding their rock extended away from their head. Flapjack until 200 LBCs are completed.
  3. Pax 1 – 25 Goblet Squats while Pax 2 hold their rock in a seated chair position.  Flapjack until 200 (should have been 300 but ran out of time) Goblet Squats are completed.


With 2 minutes left, we did 10 Get Ups and ran back to the flag.


Countoff, Namerama and Prayers for the people in Texas and south Louisiana that are recovering from the epic flood.  Thank you for letting me lead and serve you!  I’m so thankful for what you have helped me become.  SYITG