Troubled Waters Benchmarks of Fitness
Troubled Waters Benchmarks of Fitness

Troubled Waters Benchmarks of Fitness

PAX:Kimchi, Torque, Disciple - FNG

4:45am: my curly headed 4 year old opened my bedroom door, creeped to my side of the room, crawled up and laid his head on my chest to snuggle in for the rest of his night’s sleep.  Struggling with “how best” to be a good father to this little guy, I waited and thought about whether I dismount the fartsack and disappoint the little guy or to get up, get out and get going.  This thought battle raged through 2 snooze settings, and finally, I did get up, get out of the bed and get going to the AO.  I wasn’t even sure I did the right thing, but there is ALWAYS a reason to lay in bed.  As I’m writing, I can’t quite find the word to describe laying in bed to satisfy the perceived needs of a sleeping child…quick break from this BB to…


***peruse the lexicon for a clever term for this phenomenon…sure enough***

“KNOX ROLL: Any act or omission by a Presbyterian (or anyone with a Justifier) so weak and kittenish that it would cause John Knox to roll over in his grave and moan in despair.”

(In case you’re wondering why John Knox is the standard for weak actions, here’s what’s left of St. Andrew’s Cathedral after he got finished preaching.  Also, he weighed about 120# soaking wet…)


So, deciding not to shame the legacy of the “Iron Reformer”, I headed out to the AO, and instantly glad of my choice, I see Kimchi, by himself in the parking lot.  Nobody wants to beat their own self down.


Disclaimer, Brief Warmup

15 Front – Center – Back Stretches


Lunge stretch each side

Mosy to the playstation

Butt kicks, 50 yards

High knees, 50 yards

Sprint 50 yards



In order to test our level of fitness, we need to be able to do the same work and measure the results against previous results.  August is bringing a new day and new Iron Sharpens Iron Challenge, so these benchmarks will be repeated at the end of the month.


6 Rounds for Time

10 Merkins

10 Big Boy Situps

10 Squats

  • Torque: 4:14
  • Kimchi: 4:19


As providence would have it, a man I’ve been EH’ing for several months, (who has been at the AO with other people walking and generally, fitness-ing) walked right by us.  We asked if he’d like to join, and he was happy to.  So, adding his benchmarks


Max Set of


  • Torque: 70
  • Kimchi: 44
  • FNG: 40


  • Torque: 11
  • Kimchi: 4
  • FNG: 5


  • Torque: 1:45
  • Kimchi: 1:12
  • FNG: 2:05


Mosy to the levee for some real work


4 Rounds starting from the top of the levee, always facing the same direction

4 Burpees at the bottom of the levee

4 Star Jumps at the top



To the playground next door

20 IC Hello Dolly

20 IC LBC’s

10 IC Leg Lifts

15 IC Alternating Knee Raises


Mosy to the Virtual Shovel Flag:

Countarama, Namearama, Prayer of gratitude for His faithfulness, for Disciple’s willing to share what the Lord is doing in His life.  Water break after at the back of the truck.  Thanks for letting me lead.  It’s always an honor.



  • Hanging Mary work is so much more demoralizing than exercisez on your 6.  J/s.
  • These workouts will be repeated, so Mathlete, Terabyte, Joe Dirt, Chipper and Nih are politely requested to complete them on their own.