The Corps
TThhee CCoorrppss

The Corps

PAX:Shooter, Butt Splice, Steve, Grundy, Night Train, Turtle, Captain Sparkle

Being the Virgin Q for YHC OCHO, YHC wanted to create a workout something that hasn’t been focused on as the primary group – the core.

PAX: Shooter, Butt Splice, Steve, Grundy, Night Train, Turtle, Captain Sparkle, and YHC…OCHO the Q. (BTW, YHC really appreciated many of the guys coming out for this.)

WU: started promptly at 0500 with SSH, Toe Touches, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, LBCs (OYO), and Merkins. All were done in cadence for 10 reps.

First evolution: Paired up and Partner A did 10 GetUps (or 20 situps alt) while partner B holds partner A’s feet while simultaneously performing zebra kicks until partner A completes the set. Switch roles. Afterwards partner A holds a superman while partner B hops over for 15 reps (1 rep = left & right hop). switch roles. Rinse and repeat for 3 rounds.

Second evolution: DUCK DUCK BEARCRAWL – Triathalon version. PAX circles up and first person bearcrawls around the circle to switch out with the next member until every member has performed one rotation around. Meanwhile the PAX in the circle perform flutter kicks until every member has taken 1 rotation. rest for 20 count. Same deal again but now with 1/2 table top leg raises. rest for 20 count. Same deal again but now with freddy….something…(bicycles). 20 count rest.

We introduced military cadence songs at this point to shift focus away from the task and to keep up morale for the workout due to how taxing the exercise can be.

Third Evolution:  PLANK LINE WEIGHT DRAG. Still in the cirlce, 2.5 lbs weight bags were distributed (one per person) and then all given to Shooter in a pile. PAX then all planked up in the circle while Shooter began to pass one weight bag through the whole circle until it arrived back to him at a time for all eight bags. Grundy suggested the last one we should pass without letting it touch the floor and YHC suggested 5 burpees should it touch…Captain Sparkle so kindly dropped the bag to initiate the 5 burpees. Next round was the same exercise but on a one arm side plank until 4 bags were passed through and then we all switched the side plank to the other side and passed the last 4 bags. 5 burpees after.

Military cadence songs kept up in this evolution as well due to the constant hold of the exercise, the best of which, came from Grundy about his 90 year old grandma and her passionate affinity for PT. We all shared a few laughs and got through the exercise together.

Closed at 0545 with countarama, nameorama, with a BOM prayer for Turtle’s grandmother and a call to all to show up tomorrow (5.5 hours from now…) to Captain Sparkle’s virgin Q for which he requested all to arrive at 0500, with ruck sacks or weights, and a stomach full of carbs from the night before……

YHC feels honored to have served his virgin Q and looks forward to many more.

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