Post Ruck Blues
PPoosstt RRuucckk BBlluueess

Post Ruck Blues

PAX:Amnesty, Duct Tape (Kotter!), Milkman (Respect FNG), Rudy, Tool

Sitting at the railroad tracks in the light drizzle, waiting for the train to pass, YHC pondered whether any of the ruckers would make an appearance, or whether they were all still in recovery mode.  Staring at his watch as the train ground to a halt, YHC began to wonder whether he would make an appearance.  Time for an audible – head to back gate and park, for a fast jog across the park arriving at 5:27.  And what was waiting YHC?  An empty field….  Just the raindrops to keep me company.

But lo and behold, cresting the levee – Duct Tape making his triumphant return!  Welcome back, Kotter!  Word had it that others were still stuck at the railroad tracks, so the 3 on-time PAX (including one FNG EH’d by those still at the tracks) planked up to wait.  And wait, while Amnesty made his appearance, and oh-so-gingerly pulled his glow-yellow gloves on to protect his delicate fingers.

Then the disclaimer, a bit of background on F3 for our FNG, and off to the quarry.

COP #1:

  • SSH x25
  • DQ x15
  • IW x25
  • PP x25
  • MC x25

Go find a friend

COP #2: Find something resembling dry ground.  YHC waited while some PAX floundered and appeared to struggle with basic instructions.  Once situated, lets get to work

  • Shoulder Press
  • Curl
  • Row
  • Squat

First round x12.  Then x10.  Then x8.  Then x6.  Tool ventured a guess as to what was coming next.  x4 and x2.

COP #3: Mosey to the bandstand.  The rain had now stopped, so we were no longer in need of that protection.  But YHC was trying to be thoughtful for the PAX.

  • Tatum Channing
  • Dip
  • Channing Tatum
  • Incline Merican

First round x15.  Then x10.  Then x5.

Bring our friends home, and mosey back the VSF.

COP #5: Finish up with some Mary

  • LBC x31
  • Penguin x20
  • Hip dip thingies – I’m sure they have a name – x10 each side
  • American Hammer x20
  • Plan for a minute

Finish with countoff and naming of the FNG (Milkman, in honor of The Dead Milkmen song celebrating the car of FNG’s youth).  Announcements (struggled to find something to talk about, as the Ruck and Summer Series are both in rear view mirror now – but up next Spillway Classic).

Finished with prayer of thanksgiving and asking for blessing of God’s grace to use the gift of today wisely.

YHC is very thankful for the men this am.  In the few minutes while I pondered the workout alone, I honestly thought about turning and heading for home.  Would I have the perseverance to do this on my own?  I doubt it.  I remain thankful for the gift of all of you, helping to inspire me to do more than I think I can.