Killing the Sad Clown One Day at a Time.
KKiilllliinngg tthhee SSaadd CClloowwnn OOnnee DDaayy aatt aa TTiimmee..

Killing the Sad Clown One Day at a Time.


YHC awoke to messages from fellow PAX that they will be missing the workout at the AO. Okay I get it not everyone can make a workout and while heading there I would expect the faithful and hardcore Terabyte to be there waiting for a beatdown. When arrived all my hopes of having him there were shattered. NO SHOW. What is funny about this is Walleye and YHC had a discussion about if either him or I were the only person to show up we would turn around and get some extra sleep. NOT TODAY.


  • SSH IC x20
  • IW IC x20
  • Windmills IC x20
  • Arm Circles IC FWD/BW x15
  • Merkins IC x10


  • Started with 1min in plank position
  • x20 Pike merks
  • x20 reverse grip inverted rows
  • x20 squats
  • 30 sec rest

This would be one round and complete as many rounds as possible. YHC complete 6 rounds but who is counting. THIS GUY! Then moseyed back to the flag for some


  • 60secs of flutter kicks
  • 30secs of V ups
  • 30secs of elbow Peter Parkers
  • 45sec rest
  • 60secs of 10 snips
  • 30secs of upper circle crunches to the L
  • 30secs of upper circle crunches to the R
  • 60secs of American Hammer (FREEDOM!!!! HELL YEAH!!!)

Yes i might have been on my own and yes it was difficult to stay motivated throughout the workout, but I bet anyone from Troubled Waters and F3NOLA would have done the same. Always take the red pill and destroy the sad clown. Be strong and be better than you were yesterday!
