How to Expand/Invade Foreign Territory
HHooww ttoo EExxppaanndd//IInnvvaaddee FFoorreeiiggnn TTeerrrriittoorryy

How to Expand/Invade Foreign Territory

QIC:Side Effects

At 9:30am (1-go in broad daylight), two veteran F3ers (2-go outnumbered) set off in a foreign, unchartered AO (3-go where you are completely unaware of your surroundings) far from the comforts of New Orleans, and too far from the nearest PAX for comfort (what’s up Leigh Valley) (4-go where you have no backup).  We dubbed it Milton Burpee as you will soon understand why.

YHC skipped the Disclaimer (5-break with all set safety protocols)

Mosey to the Philadelphia Municipal Services Building (Lots of concrete, onlookers, and giant board game pieces) (6-set up your AO where you are surrounded by elevated positions and where you are surrounded by onlookers that know the area well enough to sleep there)

YHC at the checker:
30 right leg step ups (IC)
20 incline merkins (IC)
30 left leg step ups (IC)
30 low slow squats (IC)
15 jumps ups (OYO)
(7 – Loudly proclaim your presence by calling out numbers in repetition)

YHC at the king checker:
8 jumps ups (OY0)

YHC over the railing:
15 Awkward calf raises (IC) – half bent over railing with plenty of onlookers
30 Low slow squats (IC)

YHC Back to the checker:
15 Right leg step ups (IC) (Leaving foot in contact with the checker)
15 Left leg step ups (IC)
(8 – Leave evidence of your presence everywhere you go – drops of sweat everywhere)

YHC over the railing:
15 Pigeon toed merkins (IC)

Hawg- “Hey look these are bingo pieces, they have letters and numbers on them”:
B 13 – 13 Burpees (OYO)
I 19 – 19 Imp walkers (IC)
N 44 – 44 Jumping kNee slaps (OYO)

YHC over the railing:
15 Heel together calf raises (IC)

Hawg – “Look those dominos are falling over, let’s see if we can push them over”:
5 Attempts at balls to the wall presses (OYO)
5 Attempts at 60 degree decline merkins (OYO)
5 30 degree decline merkins (OYO)
5 merkins (OYO)

Back to Bingo:
G 14 – 14 Turkish Getups (OYO)
O 70 – 70 Old gray mare donkey kicks (OYO)
(9- Show the opposition exactly how tired you are by collapsing on the concrete to catch your breath)

YHC – “Oh I get it, you take the letter and think of an exercise that starts with that letter and then do that number of repetitions”
I 29 – 29 Incline merkins (IC)
B 11 – 11 Burpees (OYO)
B 2 – 2 Burpees (OYO)

Mosey to Rittenhouse Park
15 Calf raises (IC) at stop light on the way

“Smells like dog poop, watch out”
30 LBCs (IC)
25 Flutter kicks (IC)
10 SLBCs (IC) – slowly squeezing knees toward elbows while doing LBCs
10 superman reps (IC)
17-76 – 17 Merkins (OYO) followed by 76 seconds of plank
Jack Webb “Philly Style” to represent the 5 big universities from 1 push-up and 5 air presses ascending to 8 push-ups and 40 air presses

(8- Completely exhaust yourself in pointless exercises while the opposition watches walking their yorkie)

Mosey back to Market Street

Prayer for brothers in New Orleans – Tool and family, Kimchi, Frack Sack, and those sick and with cancer

Then enjoyed Pat’s Cheesesteaks wit wiz and watched the Phillies hit 3 home runs in the 8th to beat the Braves

Thanks for the Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith-filled conversation Hawg

Let me know when you want to launch in my new backyard – F3 Valley Forge – “Where Pain, Sacrifice, and Perseverance meets Liberty and Strength”

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