610 Stomp – No Rucks Allowed
610 Stomp – No Rucks Allowed

610 Stomp – No Rucks Allowed

PAX:Cowbell, FracSac, Rudy, Shorty, Tool

YHC strolled up in the gloom, seeing the usual gang of ne’er-do-wells. Overheard lots of mumbling about no rucksacks this morning. “Saw Rudy was Q, so I left rucksack at home.” Wise men, these guys. There would be no rucks today. Just the usual Rudy special: runs and sprints. Disclaimer, then the 5 PAX were off.

30 mins out-and-back on the Bayout St John route. YHC enjoyed the run with FracSac covering 3.5 miles, watching Shorty and Cowbell disappear ahead of us in the gloom. Morning humidity serves as fresh reminder of what’s looming in the summer months.

Sprint-a-thon at the track.  Rinse and repeat the following cycle for 5 laps (around 10 mins)

  • 100m sprint
  • 100m recovery mosey
  • 200m sprint
  • 100m recovery mosey

Thank you, Shorty, for pushing YHC to keep trying to get faster.

Return to VSF (where are the flags???? The PAX is nearly unanimous in pointing fingers at Hawg).  Finish with round of BB Situps OYO for 90 seconds.

Count-off, Name-o-rama.  Announcements, including call out of upcoming (June 7th) F3 sponsoring of NOTC Summer Series event.  More to come in early May.  Put on your calendar, though: week of GrowRuck.

Finish with a prayer.  YHC asks for wisdom for world leaders.  Conversation with 17 year old son, turning 18 this summer.  I hope and pray that the world offers peace and prosperity for him, and for all people.