Pre- Thang: The breezy 50 degree gloom brought out 16 pax ready for a post Mardi Gras beatdown at WPM. At 05:30 after the disclaimer we went to work.
Mosey out and around to TU front lawn for warm up COP: Forward Arm Circles Standing on Left Foot and Forward Arm Circles Standing on Right Foot x 20, Hillbillies, Peter Parkers, and Mtn. Climbers x 25. All IC
Mosey to the base of WPM and split into two groups for an Indian Run to the sixth level. Plank for the six. After an introduction by Tool last Saturday, YHC decided to bring Bear-pees to the mountain. We made our way up the last incline and onto the flat w/ a 4 count Bear Crawl followed by a Burpee. Each rep we increased the Bear Crawl by 4 and the Burpee by 1 up to a 40 count Bear Crawl and 10 Burpees. No mumblechatter at all. I’m sure it was a real crowd pleaser… Thanks Tool! There’s already been a hint we might see it again next week.
At the top we Paused for Six Minutes of Mary: Russian Twist, Dolly, LBC, Flutter Kick, Real Freddie x 25 IC. Mosey down the ramps and plank up at bike rack, then over to DC Quad benches for a quick dip stop x 25. Back to the flag where we sealed the deal (a la Tool) w/ 10 final Burpees.
COT w/ Shout out by YHC.
T-Claps to Jadeveon for bringing 2 FNG’s
T-Claps to the pax for a solid work out.
Come run the St. Patrick’s Classic 2 Miler next Sunday
Good Times!