Cement Shoes
Cement Shoes

Cement Shoes

PAX:Einstein, Steve, Tanked Up, Turbo Tax

File this one under, “better late than never,” as Wednesday’s workout feels like ages ago.  But nevertheless, here we go…

Word spread around that a pair of gloves would be needed, and indeed all 4 PAX showed up prepared for some cinderblock business.  Started off with a round of SSH, Windmills, Mountain Climbers, and Squats, all 20x IC.

Each PAX then grabbed a coupon and moseyed to the front of the justice center: 5x up and down the stairs, picked up the cinderblock for curls, bent over rows, and squats all 20x.  Repeat the stair routine, back to cinderblocks for lion kings, curls, and something else I can’t remember.

Everyone grabbed a bench and we did some step ups: left leg on bench and step up with right leg all the way to chest, then down to the ground.  20x IC for the first leg, nearly tore something so YHC made it 15x for the opposite leg.  Then lie on your back with feet on the bench for bridges, 20x IC.

Circled up around the JC’s flag, held our coupons out from our chest while one PAX ran the perimeter, once each PAX had a turn, reversed the run.

Then over to the grass for a series of lunges and reverse lunges (with a twist) while holding our cinderblocks.  Once we had made it across the field, we dropped the blocks for a set of sprints, followed by Peter Parkers 20x IC, sprints, Parker Peters 20x IC, and one final sprint.

We had just enough time to return our coupons and get back to the flag for a set of Nolan Ryans, commemorating his birthday and teaching YHC about his boxing legacy.  Countdown, prayer, and announcements. Be sure to drop in this Wednesday for a beatdown led by Tanked Up.