King’s Day Tabata
King’s Day Tabata

King’s Day Tabata

PAX:Duct Tape, HVAC, Hawg, Jingle Vader, Triple Shift, Kimchi, Tool

Mother nature spared us what could have been a nasty morning.  YHC had been eyeing up the forecast for a few days and was planning for a cold and rainy workout, possibly solo.  Despite the testosterone themed F3 motto “rain or shine”, YHC planned to spend as little time in the 40 something degree rain and soggy grass and relocate the main beatdown in the nearby shelter.   Much to our surprise, we only had to bear the brunt of chilly midst.  YHC walked up to the rock pile with -1 minutes to spare and after a quick disclaimer, we were circled up for a quick Warmup before relocating:

SSH x30, Arm Circles x20, Windmill x20, Imperial Walker x20, Mountain Climber x20

Grab a med/med-large rock, start shoulder pressing and/or curling the rock while briskly walking 100yds away to the shelter.  The predictable mumble chatter from Hawg spewed out about deviating from the 50ft perimeter of the rock pile but YHC wanted to make sure the PAX stayed dry and could focus on form.  Once there, grab a bench/table for several rounds exercises using a Tabata timer.  Most Tabata workouts have 20 second intervals of high intensity exercises followed by 10 second rest periods.  YHC thought this would be best to keep the PAX on course as opposed to attempting 45 minutes of a winded cadence count.  The plan was to focus on core and arms for three reasons; 1) king cake season is upon us so waistlines need taming, 2) had to take it easy on the legs since several PAX are running the 9K Jackson Day race on Sun, 3) YHC has a slightly tweaked ankle and hoping to avoid hobbling home.  Out came the smartphone for a series of 4 minute Tabata songs courtesy of YouTube, providing for (8)20sec intervals of each.  The PAX was treated to hip hop, Irish music, metal, and more, all with built in start-stop timers (links posted below if curious).  Here’s how it went:

Tabata Rounds (4 minutes ea):

1) Wide Grip Mountain Climbers

2) Rock Curls

3) Hand to Knee Mountain Climber

4) Rock Row

5) Side to Side Mountain Climbers (these sucked…very little MC)

6) Dip (4 rounds), Russian Twist (4 rounds)

7) Cross Crunch, aka Pretzel (alternating sides)

Time was up so round 8 was a no go.

Grab rock and start pressing and/or curling back to the pile.  This had YHC’s shoulders beat and hoping the others got their money’s worth too.

Quick COT and prayer for those in need.

Glad to see the iffy weather forecast didn’t scare off the real men, only the millennials.

Thanks for the chance to lead this morning.



Moleskin:  I’ve seen Kimchi’s name spelled 5 different ways….not sure whish is correct

Moleskin #2:  Jan 6th is King’s Day, the official start of Mardi Gras season and also the point at which it’s kosher to eat King Cake.

Tabata Appendix:   Search “Top Dog Fitness Tabata” in YouTube and several songs come up.  YHC tried pasting links but the video gets embedded in the backblast.


One comment

  1. Jingle Vader (f/k/a Jazzy)

    I first thought we were going to walk with our rocks all the way to Wolfpack Mountain to show ’em how a real BeatDown is done. Maybe next week.

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