11 men gathered around the flag at the Mothership this gloom, while 4 others gathered around the Lafayette Square statue downtown for the Jazz Half Marathon. YHC got to post to both AOs, so we will call this a Pax of 15.
The Thang
Quick mosey over to the great lawn and circle up.
COP #1: Warmup
20x SSH IC
20x Peter Parkers IC
It was a quick warmup, but we had lots to do. We stayed in our COP while I explained the first thing.
EMOM: An EMOM is Every Minute On (the) Minute, which means to perform a list of exercises at the start of every minute. Exercises are OYO. Once you finish the list within the minute, the remaining time in the minute is for rest.
EMOM #1: 10 minutes
10x Squat Jumps
5x Burpees
In total, we did 100 Squat Jumps and 50 Burpees. Yikes….but at least we weren’t running a half marathon!
After this, Pax partnered up and lined up about midway on the great lawn near the spooky, light-flickering tree as YHC explains:
Circuit #1: Animal Hunting
The Bear Hunt: Pax 1 bear crawls North. Pax 2 sprints South to a “tombstone” (about 40 yards away), and then sprints back to the bear (Pax 1). Once caught, both Pax walk back to the flickering tree. Flapjack roles. That’s 1.
We did the Bear Hunt 4 times, then:
The Frog Hunt: Pax 1 frog hops North. Pax 2 does 20x Merkins, then sprints to catch the frog. Once caught, both Pax walk back to the flickering tree. Flapjack roles. That’s 1.
We did the Frog Hunt 2 times, then did the Bear Hunt 2 more times. I hate animals!
Walk over to the first COP, and circle up again.
COP #2: Balance Movements
10x Low Slow Single Leg Squats (R)
10x Low Slow Single Leg Squats (L)
10x Slow Single Leg Tabletops (R)
10x Slow Single Leg Tabletops (L)
EMOM #2: Exactly 6MOM – 6 minutes
10x Hello Dolly
10x Flutterkicks
10x LBCs
10x Putins
For a total of 240 ab exercises.
Mosey back to the flag, where we held the COT. Thanks for letting me lead.
Tclaps to the 4 for finishing the half marathon. Great day for a 13.1 mile run, and we had some personal best at the race as well. Must be all the beatdowns from the F3NOLA Pax… speaking of which, go sign up to Q if you haven’t already!
Tclaps to Amnesty and Jingle Vader doing a 7 mile ruck after the Spooktacular. You guys have no limits!