Around the Fly
Around the Fly

Around the Fly

QIC:Landing Strip
PAX:Douille, Mulligan, Captain Morgan, El Wire, Cavalier, Landing Strip (QIC), Revit

Leading my VeryfirstQ enabled me to get out to Audubon earlier than ever before – approximately 05:20. My Weather Channel app indicates that the humidity was higher than the temperature – 87% vs. 81°, which is hard to believe, because it sure felt hot.

We warmed up in place:

40 x side straddle hops

30 x low slow squats

20 x mountain climbers

Then we moseyed – around the track, across Magazine Street, past the entrance to the Zoo, over the train tracks, along the road next to the river, and up to the top of an unnamed hill. A PAX wondered aloud what the tallest peak in New Orleans was – the answer is Monkey Hill, which isn’t much higher than the bump we stood atop.

We started with a burpee, then traversed down the hill and back: 1st time we bear crawled 2nd time we crab walked 3rd time we ran down and felt-the-Bern back up, the number of burpees increasing with each trek. Rinse/repeat.

Then we moseyed along the levee, behind the baseball complex to a barricade with 4 stanchions. We broke into 4 groups – one per post. The first group sprinted a ways down the levee and back while the other 3 worked. Then the next, and then the 3rd, and then the 4th. Then each group rotated and did it again.


Post #1: merkins

Post #2: 360° lunges

Post #3: incline merkins

Post #4: mountain climbers

Mosey. We ran to the labyrinth and focused on abs:

20 x LBCs

20 x Hello Dollys

15 x Russian Twists

20 x Penguins

Planked for a bit, then moseyed on home for COT – Numberama / Nameorama / Prayer.

Glad to get my first Q under my belt. It won’t be my last.