No Mosey?? in City Park
No Mosey?? in City Park

No Mosey?? in City Park

QIC:Side Effects
PAX:Tool, Amnesty, Jiggle Vader, Griswald, Rudy, and The Menace (FNG)

A lucky seven F3ers (6 vets and 1 FNG) gathered for a no mosey beat-down at the NOLA Mothership. “Lucky” so-they-thought because YHC promised there would be no moseying.


Walk (yes walk) from the flag to the Peristyle

Isometric Circuit (Hold each position for ~60 seconds)
Plank with right arm extended straight
Standing, right heal off ground and left leg bent to 135
Plank with left arm extended straight
Standing, left heal off ground and right leg bent to 135
Side plank on left hand
Standing, right leg extended straight (parallel to ground)
Side plank on right hand
Standing, left leg extended straight
Al Gore
Bound dog on left hand (from plank, grab left leg with right hand)
Al Gore
Bound dog on right hand
Standing heal raise on left with eyes closed
Boat 30 sec
Superman 30 sec
Boat 30 sec
Superman 30 sec
Standing heal raise on right with eyes closed

Concentric Circuit
Ascending Testicles on Peristyle columns (IC) x 10 x 5 and hold at top
Dan Taylor (IC) x 15
Dr. W (IC) x 12
Dancing Chilicuts (IC) x 20
Mucho Chesto (IC) x 5
Copperhead Squat (IC) x 30
LBC (IC) x 30
Superman (IC) x 20

Walk to bricks in front of Peristyle
Tempo Merkins (IC) x 10
Hip Slappers on benches (IC) x 15
Step-ups on benches (IC) x 20
Boxcutters (IC) x 15
Dying Cockroaches (IC) x 20
Dips on benches (IC) x 20
Merkins (IC) x 10
Hip Slappers (IC) x 10
Calf raises on Peristyle Steps (OYO) 15-20 x 4 sets
Al Gore for 60 sec

Walk to Playground
Pull-ups OYO for 5 minutes
Arm hangs at 90 degree angle to failure
Dips on benches (IC) x 20

Walk to Flag
Al Gore 60 sec
Plank 60 sec

Named FNG “The Menace”
Dredd and company on Friday and Saturday this coming week

PAX with injuries for quick healing
Phillips Family in Lexington, SC – WalkerStrong

“Oh you really meant NO moseying” – Rudy after YHC said “Walk to the Peristyle”
“I wish Shorty, the Yoga master was here to correct my form” – YHC
15 minutes later “Can we mosey now” was heard and seconded by several in PAX