3-Headed Monster Q
3-Headed Monster Q

3-Headed Monster Q

QIC:Shorty, Bubba, and Maverick
PAX:Bubba Cow bell Crab legs  Turbotax Sir mixalot Toots Shorty Chewy Maverick The tank (FNG)

10 PAX gathered on a blustery day on the lakefront. Even though the broke the shovel for the flag, the wind couldn’t stop this f3 PAX.

Shorty began with the disclaimer and let us into warm-ups.

20x Seal Jacks
20x Hillbillies
20x Peter Parker
20x Imperial Walker
20 x Parker Peters

After the warm-up, Shorty led us in 11’s using the stairs at rips restaurant.

10 squat jumps on one side, run up and over, and 1 lunge on other side. 9 squat jumps, 2 lunges- so on and so forth.

After 11’s, Shorty threw it over to Bubba. Bubba led an abbreviated Indian Run, then a Bear Crawl Ring of Fire. Quickly finding out the abundance of stickers in the ground, we shifted to Deck of Death on the lakefront wall.

Clubs= Carolina Dry Docks
Hearts= Dips
Diamonds= Ierkins

Went half-way through deck, and then threw it over to Maverick.

Maverick partner the PAX up… Ran to tree across way, and partner leg throws ensued. Ran back, and ten burpees. Total three sets of these

Afterwards, Bubba resumed deck of death for 10 more minutes.

Maverick then introduced the group to two ladies admitted to the work-out- Roxanne and Mary. And let me tell you, Rox after DOD is a cruel lady!

Roxanne for one song (merkin on Roxanne and plank jack on Red Light)

Mav finished with Mary routine.

All IC

31x LBC
20xRussian Twist
20x Wife Pleaser
1 minute Superman

PAX did circle of trust and headed to coffeeteria.

One comment

  1. Reluctant Yankee

    Hey Bubba –
    Great work!

    Can you go in and edit this post and check the tab on the right of the screen that says Northshore?

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