Almost Pimpin’ in the Birdcage
AAllmmoosstt PPiimmppiinn iinn tthhee BBiirrddccaaggee

Almost Pimpin’ in the Birdcage

QIC:Reluctant Yankee
PAX:Roots, Stroke, Nip/Tuck, Capt Morgan, Rev IT, RY (QIC), Landing Strip, El Wire, Douille, Cavalier, and Mulligan

HOLY CRAP! Is that Stroke?! Yep. Stroke who last posted back in November of 2014 showed up this AM – so welcome the F3 back Kotter!
That is awesome! Welcome back brother – I hope you stick it out with us on Mondays.
Now we just need to get Steel Magnolia back in the Gloom.

A solid group of 11 posted and ready to roll at 530 AM in a gloomy – gloom. All were impressed by the 12 FNGs on the Northshore this past Saturday.
Disclaimer was stated and then off to the races.

We MOSEY’d to our first COP.
SSH x 25, Arm High Merks rotating left and right, Imperial Walkers.
Then we did Burpees x 10 as the count, in groups of 3 – pull ups, lunges, and LBCS.
That was supposed to be PIMPS but some guy was in our way so we modified.
Hence the title almost PIMPin’ in the park.

Then INDIAN RUN to the Golf course entrance. Circle of Pain #2:
Squat Jumps x 20, Cross Fit Merks OYO x 15, Peter Parkers x 20, Matt Jumps x 20
Grab a sip and then a hard run to the fountain.

At the Fountain we did Step Ups left leg x 20, Dips x 20, Step Ups Right leg x 20, Declined Peter Parkers x 20, Side Step Ups x 20 left leg, and Side Step Ups x 20 right leg.

Slow mosey to track – at the track we did Jog 2 running men, then sprint 1, jog 2 and sprint 1 repeating until we hit the bridge. I counted 7 sprints. When I could get some oxygen to my brain.

After the bridge we circled up for some Mary. For Mary we did x 20 leg lifts, x 20 Flutters,
Then I stole Chewy’s exercise from the Northshore – we did x 20 Ys, Ts, and Ws.
We did 20 V ups, and 20 Russian Twists to finish.
Not too much mumblechatter.

We had a long INDIAN RUN back to the FLAG.

At the FLAG we prayed to be better in all facets of our lives as Dads, Husbands, Brothers, and Friends/Colleagues.