Seven men set to tackle the park on a chilly Monday morning. Might be the last time we see sub 50 degree weather for awhile…after a quick disclaimer, we’re off.
Bandstand: SSHx20, IW x20, LBC x20 & Mountain Climbers x20
To Light Poles (pole to pole): Merkin Walk going left , Lunge broad jumps right leg, Merkin Walk going right, Lunge Broad jump left leg
Indian Run to pull up bars – 4 groups rotating – timed by the burpees
- Seven Double Squat Burpees
- IW sqauts
- Dips
- Pull Ups
Indian run to the water fountain by the green wall (YHC was thirsty)
Hallelujah (hands up) run to the benches by the water fountain
- RLSU x20
- Incline Merkins x20
- LLSU x20
- Dips x20
- R Knee Up x20
- Incline Wife Pleasers x20
- L Knee Up x20
After blowing out our legs and time running out, hustle back with another long Indian Run.
With minutes to spare, the last COP between the light poles:
- Dying Coach roach x15
- Flutter Kicks x15
- Alt side up (Coach roach with legs together) x15
- Three pulse w/ leg ups x15
Count Out, Name-O-Rama, Monday Q Assignments & Prayer
Always a great way to start the week…