Five men gathered at Audubon Park on a cold Monday morning. That’s apparently one more than Pontiff mustered, so Audubon wins. T-shirts get printed next week.
Mosey to the Bandstand for the COP – Imperial walkers x 20, Plank jacks x 20, LBCs x 20, Hillbillies x 20, Arm Circles x 20 (10 in each direction).
Mosey to the Row Bars for Rows x 20 and Low Slow Squats x 20.
Indian Run to the fountain. At the fountain, Dips x 20, Incline Merkins x 15, Hip Slappers x 20 (10 each hip), Derkins x 10.
Indian Run to pull-up bars. Three groups – Squats, Incline Merkins, Pull-ups x 10 – pull-ups control the count.
Indian run for a bit. Then stop for some Mary. Flutter kicks x 20, LBCs x 20, Wife Pleasers x 20, Penguins X 20, Hello Dolly x 20.
Indian run to the flag for Plank-O-Rama.
Count, just realized we forgot to do name-o-rama, shout-out, and prayer.
Congratulations. You all are nothing, if not consistent.