11’s + Levee = :-(
11’s + Levee = :-(

11’s + Levee = :-(

PAX:Da Parrish, triple shift, torque, John Doe, cowbell, FracSac, surge, Bubba, belloq

YHC posted just in time on a dark Thursday morning at Okwata. A good group of 9 PAX posted including a blast from the past in Triple Shift. In true Triple Shift fashion, he didn’t just post for his first time in over a year. He also brought two FNGs with him. TClaps to Triple Shift

YHC gave disclaimer and we were off.

The Thang

Moseyed around fountain with karaoke both sides. Sprinted across street to concrete area near water littered with broken glass.

Jack Webb

The Thang

Warm Up COP near pile

SSH x 40
ISW x 15;
Plank Jack x 20
Arm Circle x 20 one-way and then 20 the other way.

Moseyed a little way down Boardwalk.

Jack Webb (1:2 merkin:air press ratio up to 10:20)

Moseyed down to Canal Blvd and up to top of levee.

11’s on levee
Begin 10 Burpees one side, and 1 Low Slow Squat on other. Every time you reach top of levee, 5 Rudy Jacks (combined half burpee/half plank Jack).

PAX completed this levee beatdown, but it took the entire rest of time!

Pax moseyed, stopped for 5 pull-ups on Mitch’s pull-up bars, and moseyed to flag.

Named FNGs John Doe and Torque. Apparently as I write this I learn that Reluctant Yankee is disappointed in John Doe’s name. We thought it was apropos as he hesitated with his last name, as if he forgot. Anyway, Big Sky was a close second if RY prefers.

Good prayer request and closed out in prayer to begin a good Thursday. Hope FIA ladies up town had a good inaugural workout!