11/14 national holiday’s  – from Smooth Operator
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11/14 national holiday’s – from Smooth Operator

QIC:Smooth Operator
PAX:America’s Best, Enron, Goose, Honeysuckle, Safety Valve, Wet Tap, Pope

Safety Valve
Americas best
Wet Tap
Smooth Operator

This was the first time YHC has ever went into the eve of a beatdown without having a plan of attack for the beatdown. Luckly due to a slow 12 hour night shift I had some time on my hands to do some planning.

YHC arrived at the Stage around 0450 and took a power nap knowing I was going to need it due to the agenda for the day. Enron rolled on in at 0505 and the parking lot started to fill up after that. It was a wet nasty 60 degrees with a wind that had the flag standing fully erect for the majority of the beatdown.

Side straddle hops 33 of them due to YHC trying to get the chill out of the body.
Arm Circles
Cherry pickers
High Knees
Butt kicks

Thang One
Pickle Pounder Mile

Upon my research for the beatdown I came upon 2 very interesting national holidays for 11/14. The first being National Pickle Day. To celebrate this the PAX would be doing a Pickle Pounder Mile. We would run our normal mile track through Richman’s Loop and stop every quarter mile to do 25 pickle pounders. Due to YHC’s lack of stamina and speed, YHC decided to give the speedier PAX members a little busy work to keep the PAX together. After completion of your 25 pickle pounders and while waiting on the 6 (YHC), the PAX were to perform J-LO’s until the 6 completed the pounding of his pickle. After completion of our very first pickle pounder mile the PAX looked hungry for Thang 2.

Thang 2
Bear Crawl 1 2 3

The 2nd holiday for 11/14 was National Teddy Bear Day. To celebrate this the PAX would partner up and Bear Crawl 1 2 3. Partner 1 would bear crawl to the 2nd picnic table and back while partner 2 would be working on 100 merkins, 200 squats, and 300 LBCS. There was a discrepancy between which 2nd picnic table would be our turning point since it was not square and in an act of mercy YHC allowed the PAX to go to the closer picnic table. The PAX knocked this Thang out like Thedore Rosevelt in a brawl with a teddy bear. Poor Honeysuckle got stuck with YHC as a partner and had to pick up my slack as YHC was silently trying to figure out how to escape his own beatdown. Once the PAX helped pick up my slack and we completed the exercise, we had the perfect amount of time to try something Paradox had told me about which turned into thang 3.

Thang 3
HWY 308 burpees.

AT 0550 with 10 minutes to spare, YHC decided to have the PAX line up on the 308 sidewalk and do a burpee for every vehicle that decided to pass. A few takeaways from this is there are a lot of cane trucks that pass on 308 and they hold up a lot of traffic. Each time a cane truck passed we had at least 6 burpees or more to complete. All in all, this was a great way to do between 65 and 85 burpees in 10 minutes.

After this, we circled up back at the flag and counted off. The Animal (Safety Valve) presented the young cub (Pope) with the Animal shirt and Americas Best prayed us out.
Thanks PAX for showing up and struggling with me.
Smooth Operator