1 hr 15 minutes sleep and Oh No Q – from Hokie
1 hr 15 minutes sleep and Oh No Q – from Hokie

1 hr 15 minutes sleep and Oh No Q – from Hokie


YHC rucked 12.1 miles and ensured The Muffalotta’s were safe along the Orpheus route last night and then accompanied them into the Convention Center until hitting the bed at 2:45 AM knowing the alarm would go off at 0400

5 additional Pax accompanied me for Oh No… rinse & repeat

Oh No by Hokie

Warm up
1 loop of “the track”
20 seconds SSH
Rolling Ankles
High Knees
Open the gate
Close the gate
Hula hoops
Arm circles
Neck rolls


Head towards cubbies for

The Thang

Round 1a.
50 SSH
20 TEMPO Merkins
20 TEMPO Derkins
20 TEMPO Dips
20 LBC’s
20 Shoulder Taps
SSH while waiting for the 6

Now onto round 1b.
50 SSH
20 Squats
20 L leg lunge pulses
20 R leg lunge pulses
20 L leg step ups
20 R leg step ups
SSH for 6

Take a loop then Rinse & Repeat 1a & 1b above

Then between rounds 2 & 3

4 minutes of quadraphelia instead of a lap

then Rinse & Repeat 1a & 1b above

Then close with Lazy boys & COT